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The Panorama student feedback survey covers nineteen key topics related to pedagogical effectiveness, student-teacher relationships, rigorous expectations, school climate, classroom climate, teaching style, and more. Thousands of classroom teachers have used these survey questions as a formative tool, and districts have used them to elevate students' opinions and voices as part of teacher evaluation systems.
Get Your Free Student Satisfaction Survey Template on Teaching and Classroom Experience
School climate, campus safety, and an inclusive school environment impact students' academic success and ability to develop social-emotional competencies in elementary and high school. Educators and administrators use Panorama's student perception survey to build more positive, equitable, and supportive environments for student learning with question types including multiple choice and open-ended questions contained in the form templates.
Get Your Free Student Survey Form on Supports and Environment
SEL skills are critical to school, career, and life success. Panorama's social-emotional learning assessment supports you to measure and help students develop soft skills with student survey questions measuring growth mindset, self-efficacy, social awareness, and self-management, so you can more effectively build social-emotional learning into your lesson plans and classroom practices.
Get Your Free Student Survey Questions on Social-Emotional Learning Skills and Competencies
By asking students to reflect on their well-being, school districts can gather actionable survey data to understand the student experience and deliver student services and resources focused on self-care, mental health, and social-emotional learning. Panorama's student wellbeing survey questionnaire template can help district administrators, counseling directors, and educators understand students’ positive feelings, negative feelings, and the social support that students receive from and provide to others through their school experience whether during school or school activities/extra-curricular activities.
Panorama Education surveys have been developed under the leadership of Dr. Hunter Gehlbach, Associate Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Director of Research at Panorama Education. Dr. Gehlbach is a leading survey methodologist and education researcher, and a former high school social studies teacher.
The research team followed a rigorous survey development process that involved multiple rounds of piloting and refinement, following cognitive interviews with students, an extensive review of survey literature, and feedback from experts around the country.
View Panorama's interactive student survey data reports to compare your survey results to national benchmarks, disaggregate data by student demographics, and see student voice data alongside attendance, behavior, and coursework.