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Panorama Employability Skills Survey

Explore survey topics designed to amplify student voice and measure skills in critical areas of college and career readiness, employability, and workforce readiness.
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Student survey

About the Employability Skills Survey

Aligned to leading employability and college and career readiness (CCR) frameworks, the Panorama Employability Skills Survey leverages best-in-class survey scales developed by our researchers and partners. Today, you can use our valid and reliable survey items to assess a variety of key domains vital for employability and college and career success, ensuring your students are fully prepared for the future.

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Measure and Develop Students’ Employability Skills

The Panorama Employability Skills Survey empowers schools and districts to gather student feedback on readiness for college, career, and life, focusing on essential employability skills.

Our research-driven approach pinpoints the key skills and competencies needed for post-secondary success. With the Panorama Employability Skills Survey, schools and districts can customize their surveys to meet their specific needs and assess their students’ skills and abilities in a reliable, valid, and sustainable way.

Survey translations are available in 12 languages, and our team can work closely with your school or district to support additional translations. If you’re a school or district leader interested in advanced data analysis and survey reporting programs, learn more about our products here.

Move from Measurement to Action

Panorama’s Playbook comes with hundreds of research-based strategies for developing students’ employability skills and college-career readiness. Panorama automatically recommends age-appropriate activities for educators based on students’ survey responses.


Research Methodology

We developed the Panorama Employability Skills Survey as part of survey development work led by Dr. Hunter Gehlbach, Professor and Vice Dean at the Johns Hopkins School of Education and Senior Research Advisor at Panorama Education. Dr. Gehlbach is a leading survey methodologist, education researcher, and former high school social studies teacher.

The research team followed a rigorous survey development process involving cognitive interviews with students, an extensive review of survey literature, feedback from experts nationwide, and multiple rounds of piloting and refinement.
