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Explore the Panorama Platform

The Panorama Platform offers comprehensive, easy-to-use tools to meet the needs of districts, schools, students, and staff. With home pages and insights tailored to your role, you can allocate the right resources at the right time to ensure your efforts have the greatest impact.
DS-Individual Student Profile - Aug 2023

District Leaders

Easily Track District Insights in One Place

No more digging around to find the reports you need. Now you'll have district-wide performance data right at your fingertips across academics, attendance, behavior, and more. Monitor the progress and fidelity of district-wide programs, understand where you need more resources, and build alignment across schools.

DS-Role Based Home Page - District Version - Aug 2023

School Leaders

Monitor All School Insights In One Place in Real Time 

Right when you log in, you’ll have all school-level data across attendance, academics, behavior, and more at your fingertips. You’ll quickly access crucial reports, track interventions, and define your school’s strengths and needs so you can turn obstacles into opportunities. 

DS-Role-Based Home Page - School Version - Aug 2023

Teachers and Staff

Get At-a-Glance Insights Into Your Students’ Strengths and Needs

When you log in, your home page gives you a complete overview of your students’ attendance, academics, behavior, intervention plans, and more. You can search by student or student group and dive deeper into their performance to discover how to support their needs best and create a thriving classroom.

DS-Role Based Home Page - Teacher Version - Aug 2023

Panorama AI Features

Efficiently Describe Student Needs and Strengths to Boost Decision Making

Educators are provided precise descriptions, challenges and trends to facilitate effective data-based decision making to better tailor instruction, and plan relevant supports. Panorama Insights prompt is modeled after evidence-based MTSS decision making processes that are rooted in prevention logic aimed at ID’ing and addressing challenges early - enabling you to respond through teaching pathways like interventions, supports, and differentiated instruction.


Student Privacy

With Panorama as your trusted partner, you’ll join districts and schools nationwide in shaping engaging learning experiences while safeguarding students’ data and privacy. As a proud signatory of the Student Privacy Pledge, our best-in-class tools provide valuable insights while adhering to rigorous data privacy and security practices.

Student Privacy Pledge

Ready to transform how you use data in your schools?

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