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Panorama for Social-Emotional Learning


Elevate student achievement with a comprehensive character education survey solution.

Improve core academic skills, behavior, and attendance with Panorama’s research-backed character education survey, intervention tracking, and versatile check-in tools.

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A Central System to Understand and Act on Social-Emotional Learning Survey Data

Did you know? Panorama was ranked the#1 SEL measurement tool in a 2021 report from Tyton Partners supported by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)  and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Nurture Positive Life Skills competencies

Life Skills competencies are critical to school, career, and success. Panorama’s student survey assessment tools help you measure and support each students’ soft skills like growth mindset, grit, and self-management.


Create an environment where students thrive

Establish a common understanding of life skills among staff, students, and your community. Build a positive school climate through universal and targeted supports for students and adults.


Implement life skills education across your district and classrooms

Administrators use Panorama data to create and implement district-wide plans for learning, design high-quality professional development, and build educator capacity around developing students’ life skills.

Supporting SEL for millions of students nationwide


Support the Whole Child

With Panorama, you have guidance to evolve and scale your SEL practicesfrom student and staff surveys, to tools and strategies to take action, to best practices for continuous improvement.

Leading, research-backed SEL surveys

SEL intervention tracking and progress monitoring

Flexible student check-ins

Measure and understand social-emotional strengths and opportunities

Panorama's research-backed social-emotional learning assessment can be customized to meet your district's needs by selecting 4-7 CASEL aligned areas of focus. Review and analyze data by school, demographic, grade level, or other subgroups to find opportunities for growth, celebrate student successes, and set goals at the district, school, or individual student level. 

sel support to improve and scale practice

Practice continuous improvement with intervention tracking

Create, track, and progress monitor SEL and behavior intervention plans for students at all tiers of instruction. Monitor and report on the social-emotional development and progress of interventions at the student, school, and district levels. Explore hundreds of intervention strategies across academics, behavior, and SEL in Panorama’s Playbook.

sel extra practice continuous improvement with intervention tracking

Collect quick perception data from students throughout the year

Use Panorama’s flexible check-ins tool in conjunction with SEL surveys to identify the students who need support right now. Administer a check-in anytime in Panorama and get students’ responses back instantly. Explore results for individual students and groups of students, and quickly deliver Tier 1 or targeted supports in response to the data.  

sel frequent feedback from students and staff

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