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Life Skills

Celebrating Resilience: Highlights From Our Summer Series ☀️

Becky Barstein
Becky Barstein
Celebrating Resilience: Highlights From Our Summer Series ☀️



Last week, our Celebrating Resilience: A Summer Series webinar programming culminated with a workshop on triangulating needs across tiers and a mindfulness retreat for the Panorama community.

We are beyond grateful to have connected with over 5,400 educators, parents, researchers, district leaders, paraprofessionals, counselors, and students throughout these past several months

In our 30+ webinars, we heard from a variety of individuals – from district leaders to state agencies to authors to students – about supporting family engagement, cultivating a sense of belonging, reimagining Tier 1, building adult capacity, supporting learning recovery, and incorporating SEL into back-to-school planning.

On behalf of the entire team at Panorama Education, thank you for participating in Summer Series, elevating your stories and perspectives, sharing your encouraging feedback, and bringing your full selves.

To commemorate the amazing community that was formed throughout the summer months, our team curated the most popular Summer Series webinars and blog posts. We hope you'll find insights and resources that you can take back to your district or school community.

Expert Q&A: Reimagining Tier 1 in a Hybrid Learning Environment

This roundtable featured district and school leaders from Racine Unified School District and SEL implementation experts from CharacterStrong, who discussed the importance of building adult capacity and recommendations for prioritizing student well-being in a hybrid learning environment.



Expert Q&A: Supporting Family Engagement Now and for Back-to-School

Parents are the experts on their children. Yet, district leaders know that promoting family engagement is far from a simple endeavor. On this panel, we were joined by experts from the New Hampshire Department of Education, The Urban Assembly, and Saddleback Valley Unified School District to explore how districts are adapting family engagement frameworks to fit today's context.

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