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Life Skills

Move This World and Panorama Partner to Provide More Schools With Creative Social-Emotional Learning Exercises

Nick Woolf
Nick Woolf
Move This World and Panorama Partner to Provide More Schools With Creative Social-Emotional Learning Exercises



Schools and districts that partner with Panorama Education will now have access to a sampling of Move This World videos designed to teach a variety of social-emotional skills.

Panorama is thrilled to announce a new partnership with Move This World, a foundational social-emotional learning program designed for PreK-12 educators and students.

The Move This World curriculum is delivered through short, engaging videos that allow teachers to log in, press play, and follow along with their students. The videos coach students and educators through creative exercises designed to develop and strengthen social-emotional skills. They also give teachers an opportunity to quickly check in and proactively identify students who may need additional support.

Partnership Announcement Move This World

Now, educators will have access to 15 Move This World videos in Panorama’s Playbook, an online professional learning portal that provides educators with strategies to support students' SEL right inside Panorama's social-emotional learning assessment platform.

Move This World’s videos explicitly teach and provide opportunities for students to strengthen the five core social-emotional learning competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making.

Move This World's videos target a variety of grade levels, from late elementary to high school. The videos, known within Panorama’s Playbook as “moves,” align directly to following topics on the Panorama Social-Emotional Learning Survey such as:

  • Emotion Regulation
  • Engagement
  • Grit
  • Growth Mindset
  • School and Classroom Climate
  • Self-Efficacy
  • Self-Management
  • Sense of Belonging
  • Social Awareness

A Move This World activity called “The Positive Pivot,” for example, helps students examine different types of responses to conflicts or challenging situations. In this video exercise, students get introduced to the Positive Pivot scale, which they can use to consider a range of ways to respond to a situation more productively. 

Positive Pivot move

Panorama’s Playbook connects teachers, counselors, and school leaders to low-lift activities, resources, and research related to emotion regulation, teacher-student relationships, social awareness, self-management, and more. Educators explore Playbook when they’re looking to take action on their Panorama student survey data on social-emotional learning. 

Playbook Panorama


We are thrilled to share innovative strategies from expert organizations like Move This World. Find them on Twitter @move_thisworld and find us @PanoramaEd to share how you’re implementing these exercises in your school or classroom!

Download the Panorama Social-Emotional Learning Survey to learn more about measuring students' SEL competencies.

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