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Graduation Readiness

Aligning Graduation Tracking With an MTSS Framework

Sam DeFlitch
Sam DeFlitch
Aligning Graduation Tracking With an MTSS Framework



Graduation is a critical milestone that significantly impacts a student's future opportunities, from college admission to employment prospects and long-term financial stability. Yet, with national graduation rates plateauing at 87%, it's clear that not every student receives the support they need to graduate on time.

To address this gap, districts should consider integrating graduation tracking into their multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) framework. MTSS provides different levels of support based on individual student needs. When this framework includes graduation tracking, it introduces an essential layer of data-driven decision-making that can enhance student outcomes.

By incorporating progress toward graduation alongside academic, behavior, and attendance data, schools can achieve a more holistic view of student progress. This comprehensive approach allows teams to implement targeted interventions that ensure students stay on track to graduate on time.

Table of Contents

Graduation Tracking and MTSS

How to Integrate Graduation Tracking Into an MTSS

Benefits of Integrating Graduation Tracking Into an MTSS

Enhancing Data-Driven Decision-Making 

Strengthening MTSS With CTE Data

Pathways + Student Success: Boosting Graduation Rates and Student Achievement


Graduation Tracking and MTSS

Graduation Tracking

Graduation tracking is the process of monitoring and managing a student's progress toward meeting the requirements for high school graduation. This involves regularly reviewing academic performance, course credits, and other key indicators to ensure students are on track to graduate on time. Graduation tracking systems often include tools to identify at-risk students, provide interventions, and help school staff make informed decisions to support each student's path to graduation.


MTSS is a comprehensive framework used in education settings to address the academic, behavioral, social, and emotional needs of all students. It operates across three levels of support, employing evidence-based practices and data-driven decision-making to ensure students receive appropriate interventions.

The essential components of MTSS include tiered interventions, data-based decision-making, and progress monitoring. These components work together to provide students with the necessary support across various domains while allowing educators to adjust interventions based on student needs.

How to Integrate Graduation Tracking Into an MTSS

In practical terms, integrating graduation tracking into MTSS involves embedding the monitoring of students' progress toward graduation within the broader context of academic, behavior, and attendance supports. Here's what it typically includes:

Data Integration: Graduation tracking data, such as credits earned, course completion, attendance, and GPA, is integrated into an MTSS data platform. This integration gives educators and administrators a comprehensive view of each student's progress.

Tiered Interventions: Based on the data, educators identify students at risk of not graduating on time early and provide them with targeted interventions. For example:

  • Tier 1: All students receive universal supports, such as guidance on course selection and regular check-ins.
  • Tier 2: Students showing early signs of struggle (e.g., missing assignments, low attendance) receive additional supports, such as tutoring or credit recovery programs.
  • Tier 3: High-risk students (e.g., significantly behind in credits) receive intensive, personalized interventions, such as one-on-one counseling or alternative education pathways.

Collaboration Across Teams: School counselors, teachers, and administrators collaborate regularly to review data, ensuring that students receive the right level of support at the right time.

Benefits of Integrating Graduation Tracking Into an MTSS

Early Identification and Intervention: By integrating graduation tracking into MTSS, school teams can identify students at risk of falling behind much earlier. This proactive approach ensures timely interventions, increasing the likelihood that students will get back on track before it's too late.

Comprehensive Student Support: MTSS is designed to support the whole student, and when graduation tracking is part of the framework, it ensures that academic progress is considered alongside attendance and behavioral factors. This holistic approach addresses multiple barriers to graduation.

Equity and Access: Graduation tracking within an MTSS framework can help identify systemic issues that may be affecting certain student populations. By addressing these issues, districts can ensure that all students have equitable access to the support they need to graduate.

Prevents Students From Slipping Through the Cracks: Without a system in place, students who need help may go unnoticed until it's too late. MTSS ensures monitoring and support for every student.

Enhances District Accountability: Graduation rates are a key metric of district success. By embedding graduation tracking into MTSS, districts demonstrate a commitment to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed.

Supports Long-Term Student Success: Graduation tracking within MTSS helps districts not only focus on the short-term goal of graduation but also on preparing students for post-secondary success, whether in college, career, or other pathways.

Enhancing Data-Driven Decision-Making

Combining graduation tracking with MTSS data enables districts to make more informed and strategic decisions that can significantly impact student success. By integrating these data points, school leaders and educators gain a comprehensive understanding of each student's progress, which enhances their ability to implement effective interventions and support systems.

A Holistic View of Student Progress: Combining graduation tracking with academic, behavioral, and attendance data provides a complete picture of each student's journey. This holistic view allows school teams to identify patterns and trends that may not be apparent when looking at isolated data points. For example, a student who is on track academically but has a high number of absences may be at risk of falling behind in credits. This student may require an attendance intervention instead of an academic one. By seeing these connections, educators can address the root causes of the student's challenges rather than just treating the symptoms.

Early Identification and Intervention: One of the key benefits of data-driven decision-making is the ability to identify students who are at risk of not graduating on time. By integrating graduation tracking into MTSS, districts can detect warning signs earlier and provide targeted interventions before issues become critical. This proactive approach helps prevent students from slipping through the cracks and increases the likelihood of on-time graduation.

Strategic Resource Allocation: With a clearer understanding of student needs across the district, school leaders can allocate resources more strategically. Graduation tracking data can highlight areas where additional support is needed, such as credit recovery programs or tutoring services. By aligning resources with the specific needs identified through MTSS data, districts can ensure that interventions are not only timely but also effective.

Continuous Improvement: Integrating graduation tracking with MTSS data also supports a culture of continuous improvement. Districts can regularly review the effectiveness of their interventions and make adjustments as needed. By tracking both individual student progress and overall graduation rates, schools can measure the impact of their strategies and refine their approaches to better support students in the future.

Strengthening MTSS With CTE Data

Career and Technical Education (CTE) plays a crucial role in preparing students for successful futures by aligning their education with career pathways and industry needs. Integrating CTE into the graduation tracking and MTSS framework can enhance the effectiveness of both systems and provide additional benefits for students.

Integrating CTE data into MTSS allows for targeted support based on career pathway progress. For example, suppose a student struggles to meet the requirements for a certain CTE pathway. In that case, MTSS teams can develop interventions tailored to help this student succeed in both their academic and career-focused courses. This targeted approach ensures that students receive the support they need to excel in their chosen career fields while staying on track for graduation.

Informing CTE Program Development and Improvement

Data-Driven Program Enhancements: Integrating CTE data into graduation tracking and MTSS provides valuable insights for program development and improvement. Districts can analyze how well CTE programs support student outcomes and make data-driven decisions to enhance these programs. For example, if data shows that certain CTE pathways are particularly effective in improving graduation rates, districts can consider expanding those programs or replicating their successful elements in other areas.

Ensuring Equity in Career Opportunities: Combining CTE data with graduation tracking helps ensure that all students have equitable access to career and technical education opportunities. By analyzing data on CTE participation and success rates across different student demographics, districts can identify and address any disparities, ensuring that every student benefits from CTE programs.

Integrating CTE into graduation tracking and MTSS frameworks enhances the ability to support students holistically, align their academic and career goals, and prepare them for future success. This comprehensive approach not only improves graduation rates but also helps students achieve their career aspirations and transition smoothly into post-secondary opportunities.

Pathways + Student Success: Boosting Graduation Rates and Student Achievement 

Integrating graduation tracking into MTSS is a powerful way to enhance student support, improve outcomes, and ensure that every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential. With the right platform, districts can seamlessly integrate graduation tracking into their MTSS. 

Panorama Pathways is our leading graduation tracking and student pathways solution. When combined with our leading K–12 MTSS platform, Panorama Student Success, district administrators, school leaders, and educators can support the whole student across academics, attendance, behavior, life skills, on-time graduation, career readiness, and CTE tracks with a single platform.

Want to see Pathways in action? Click here to view an on-demand demo and learn how partnering with Panorama can help your district pave the way to graduation and beyond. 

Watch an On-Demand Demo of Panorama Pathways

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