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Life Skills

Colorado District Reflects on Social Emotional Development for Students

Liz Breese, PH.D.
Liz Breese, PH.D.
Colorado District Reflects on Social Emotional Development for Students



In Grand Junction, Colorado, students will take social emotional learning assessments to reflect on their social emotional development and skills. Local news channel KKCO covered Mesa Valley School District 51's plans to measure more than academic achievement to better support students' growth and needs. To learn more, KKCO visited the district to interview district administrators and parents about their motivations for asking students to reflect on their social-emotional learning.

Looking at Social Emotional Development

Local television station KKCO visited Mesa Valley School District 51 to learn more about how Panorama's social emotional learning survey will be used by the district and the community. KKCO's Kalie Greenberg reports, "The district has learned education isn't black and white. They believe a student is most successful when their social, emotional, and academic skills are all working in harmony."


Students in grades 3-12 will reflect on their own social awareness, self-efficacy, self-management, and growth mindset. Director of Education Effectiveness Paul Jebe walked the reporter through Panorama's SEL survey and shared, "It’s just the school district trying to figure out how can we support people in this journey through school? How can we support students, teachers, everybody as we do this dynamic things called education?"

Mr. Jebe pointed out that the results will be used to give insights into students' skills and behaviors, and won't be used for discipline or to give students a "grade." KKCO asked parents about their views on asking students to reflect on their social emotional development, as well.

"For different types of kids learning issues, emotional issues, and learning difference, if they can identify how to best teach that kid I think that’s a value for all parents and teachers.”

—Sarah Myers, District 51 Parent

Mesa Valley School District 51 is sharing information with parents on how social emotional learning will be used to support students through local TV outreach and the district newsletter.

For more district stories on measuring social emotional development, download Panorama's guide to measuring SEL

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