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Research-Based Education Tools You Can Trust

Panorama’s team of expert data scientists and researchers help imagine, design, and build research-based tools to improve student outcomes.


New Research Highlights the Correlation Between Student Perceptions and Chronic Absenteeism

Panorama's Data Science and Applied Research Team completed an extensive study using data from over 7,000 schools and 11 million student records.

Read the full report for new insights on how schools can address absenteeism.

White Paper_ Student Surveys and Chronic Absenteeism

Panorama tools meet federal standards for evidence and impact

Panorama Student Success meets the funding requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) standards for Level 2 and 4. In addition, Panorama Behavior Logging and Analytics meet ESSA level 4 standards. 

LearnPlatform, a third-party evaluator, has validated the effectiveness of Panorama Student Success to meet ESSA level 2 evidence:

  • Using Student Success was shown to significantly impact student learning
  • Student gains of 6 percentile points in math and 8 percentile points in reading were associated with even modest use of Panorama
  • Using Student Success to track interventions was associated with gains of 6 percentile points in math and 4 percentile points in reading scores
  • And increased use of Student Success resulted in even greater gains

Download Level 2 evidence:

Student Success/MTSS Level 2 Report

To meet ESSA Level 4 evidence:

  • Panorama Student Success and Behavior Logging have detailed logic models informed by previous, high-quality research.
  • Planning and research design currently underway for an ESSA Level 3 study

Download reports for Level 4 evidence:

Untitled design (3) (1)

Research-backed surveys grounded in survey science best practices

Panorama researchers developed our surveys through a rigorous process that prioritizes validity from the start.  

Our student surveys offer a research-backed means to inform the work of educators, policy makers, and researchers.

Download Panorama’s Reliability and Validity reports:

Our data scientists and researchers ground Panorama’s products in education data and social science

The team leverages evidence based practices, with student centered data science to help educators move from measurement to action. They apply their subject matter expertise to envision and improve Panorama tools.